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Friday, May 25, 2018

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Timex Datalink or Timex Data Link is a line of early smartwatches manufactured by Timex and is considered a wristwatch computer. It is the first watch capable of downloading information from a computer. As the name implies, datalink watches are capable of data transfer through linking with a computer. The Datalink line was introduced in 1994 and it was co-developed with Microsoft as a wearable alternative to mainstream PDAs with additional attributes such as water resistance, that PDAs lacked, and easy programmability. The watch was demonstrated by Bill Gates on 21 June 1994 in a presentation where he downloaded information from a computer monitor using bars of light and then showed to the audience the downloaded appointments and other data. The early models included models 50, 70, 150 and model 150s (small size). The model numbers indicated the approximate number of phone numbers that could be stored in the watch memory. These early models were, at the time of their introduction, the only watches to bear the Microsoft logo. The watches have been certified by NASA for space travel and have been used by astronauts and cosmonauts in space missions. There had been an evolution over the years as to the number and type of entries that can be stored in the various watch models as well as the mode of data transfer between computer and watch. At the time of its introduction the watch was considered high-tech.

There is also the Timex Beepwear Datalink series, featuring wearable pagers using the Timex datalink platform which also function as electronic organisers.

Video Timex Datalink

Wireless data transfer mode

Although there are other watches capable of storing all kinds of data, most had either a small keyboard or buttons, which could be used to input data. The keyboard was tiny, and the buttons had to be pressed repeatedly to select letters from the alphabet, making data input difficult and tedious and decreasing the toughness and water resistance of the watch. In most cases data was lost when the battery expired.

The Timex Datalink watches downloaded data wirelessly by illuminating a computer screen with a changing display encoding information to transfer, which was detected by the watch's sensor. Data on the watch was always copied from the computer; when the battery expired the data could be re-downloaded after battery replacement.

The data files were accessible via the Timex-Microsoft co-developed special Datalink interface that resided in the computer. The absence of a data input interface made the watch compact, and reduced points of possible water entry.

Optical sensor

The watch had a small lens at the top of its face used for data transmission by visible light. Data was transmitted from the CRT of the computer through a series of pulsating horizontal bars, that were focused by the lens and written to the watch EEPROM memory through an optoelectronic transducer operating in the visible light spectrum and employing optical scanning technology.

The CRT synchronization was possible only for systems operating on Windows 95 and Windows 98. The watch was compatible with Microsoft's Schedule+ time management software. For the Datalink 70 model, the time needed to download seventy phone numbers was about twenty seconds.

Encoded message

On the resin strap of the Timex Datalink 50 model 70301, there is a print with binary numbers which are actually ASCII. The numbers on one half of the strap encode, including capitalization, the text 'Listen To The Light'. The numbers on other half of the strap encode the text 'If You [ASCII-24] See', which, given that ASCII-24 is the 'Cancel' character or just 'CAN', makes the complete message 'Listen To The Light If You Can See'.

Maps Timex Datalink

Earlier models of the Datalink series

The earlier models were the Datalink 50, Datalink 70, Datalink 150 and Datalink 150s, where the "s" was for small, a lady's watch. The 150 and 150s models are essentially the same, except that the 150s, having a smaller display, has different display addresses from the 150, and thus it needs its own programming code.

The programming code is provided in the Timex Datalink software v 2.1 for all models. These watches were programmed using the same software and computer GUI. To download the settings to these early models, the user was prompted to choose the relevant watch model number.

The menu choices were the same for all models. The only differences were the amount of available memory in the watches, and the quantity of phone numbers, appointments, lists etc. which could be downloaded to each model.

At the time of their introduction, these watches were known as "PIM" watches, i.e. personal information managers. Bill Gates was known as an owner of one, and had also shown the capabilities of the watch on television. The Datalink 150 was also offered as a mail-in gift upon purchase of Office 95.

The model number indicated the maximum number of phone numbers that could be downloaded to the watch. For example, the model 150 could store a maximum of 150 phone numbers if nothing else was stored. Available storage was shared by phone numbers, appointments, anniversaries, lists, wristapps and watch sounds. These models lacked timers or chronographs, but a simple chronograph could be added as an external application also known as a wristapp. The wristapps also included a notepad capable of storing forty words.

Digital display and time zones

The time and date parts of the digital display of the Datalink watches consisted of two main rows of seven segment displays, while the lower portion was a dot matrix with scrolling capabilities. In time display mode, the dot matrix portion of the display showed the day of the week to the left, and the time zone to the right. The default time zone was indicated as TZ1 (time zone 1), and was fully user customizable to designate any city in the world, usually using IATA naming conventions. The earlier Datalink models featured dual time zone settings. The secondary time zone had the option to become the local (primary) time by pressing and holding a button until the changeover was effected. All Datalink models had the Indiglo night light.

src: img.photobucket.com

Ironman Triathlon Datalink

The earlier models included many PDA-type functions such as anniversaries, appointments and phone directory, but did not have functions such stopwatch and timer. They had five alarms.

To add functionality, in 1997 Timex introduced the Ironman Triathlon Datalink series with features of the Ironman series, such as a choice of timers, multi-lap stopwatches, and changed appearance. The number of alarms increased to 10 in the new series. Messages could be displayed during an alarm, and they could be downloaded to the watch or inputted manually through scrolling characters, activated by two forward/reverse buttons.

The new features came at the expense of some older ones. For example, the "Anniversary" and "Appointment" modes of the previous Datalink models were no longer available, and the number of phone entries for the Ironman Datalink was reduced to 38, from a maximum of 150 of the older Datalink model 150. The "Make a List" function of the Datalink 150 model was also gone. This feature enabled the user to create short lists for various tasks, and import wristapps, special programs with custom applications which could be added to the watch.

The optical sensor and the method of data transfer were retained. The display of the new series had the same architecture as that of the older models. As with the earlier models, the Triathlon Datalink included dual time zones with local time selectability. Its battery life was approximately three years under normal use.

Apple Watch? Whatever. Reviewing the Timex Datalink, the world's ...
src: cdn.geekwire.com

Notebook adapter

With the advent of portable computers which use active matrix LCD screens which did not refresh like CRT monitors and therefore could not be used for data transfer, in 1997, Timex introduced a notebook adapter that incorporated a red LED and connected with the laptop through the serial port. During download, the LED flashed and the flashing programmed the watch much like the horizontal bars of the CRT.

In addition, systems running on Windows versions other than Windows 95 or Windows 98, such as Windows NT, no longer offered the option of CRT synchronization, making the use of the adapter a requirement even for desktop computers. In addition for systems without a serial port, a USB to serial adapter can be used to connect the Timex adapter to a USB port.

The NASA Timex Datalink watches (Pic Intensive)
src: img.photobucket.com

Timex Datalink USB

The Datalink USB was introduced in 2003. It included the Timex Ironman Datalink USB (sport edition) and the Timex Datalink USB (dress edition) models. Apart from their external appearance, and the fact that the sport edition is water-resistant to 100m, while the dress edition is water resistant to 30m, the two models had identical operational specifications.

Although initially a mild disappointment for the wireless datalink purists, it gained widespread acceptance, because, although now tethered to the computer through the USB port during data transfer, the new watch featured greatly improved data transfer rates, greatly increased memory capacity and many additional and customizable modes of operation, as well as two way communication between watch and computer.

Its modes are user customizable, with hundreds of phone numbers, alarms and timer settings. It also feature three time zones, each of which can be chosen as the primary time display with the press of a button. The Datalink USB also introduced data protection through the use of a user generated password, a feature that the earlier models did not offer. The USB models also feature a rotating crown known as the Timex i-control. The new USB models are water resistant to 100m for the sport version and 30m for the dress version and their battery life is approximately two years under normal use.

Wrist apps

The Datalink USB supports software programs developed specifically for the watch. These programs are called wrist applications or wrist apps for short, and they are created by independent software developers. Timex has developed an application called WristApp SDK Installer. This application can facilitate the import of any independently developed wrist app into the Datalink USB computer interface, and thus make it part of the downloadable program menu in the GUI of the watch.

Unlike its predecessors, the display of the USB series features full dot matrix architecture with no seven segment display sections. Only a small section at the top right corner uses a nine-segment display layout. Many programs have been developed, and their applications include video games, screen savers, golf score keepers, watch display contrast and scrolling speed adjustment, as well as analog watch displays, phase of the moon calculations and associated display graphics and others. The wristapps are written in assembly language.


Invasion is an example of a game developed specifically for the watch. It is designed along the lines of Space Invaders, created by Jordi Perez. The game has been developed to showcase API instructions for primitive pixel displays such as the one used in the watch. The term primitive refers to displays of low resolution where one can discern the individual pixels.

Screen saver

Among the many programs and utilities which have been developed for the watch, such as football schedules, weather reports and others, there is also a screen saver which blanks out the display of the watch on the minute or the hour, appropriately called Screen Saver - Blank.


Another application called Antikythera emulates some of the functions of the Antikythera mechanism by calculating the phase of the moon. It is accurate to within one day in 500 years. In the future, it will also be able to calculate the sun's position in the zodiac and upcoming eclipses.

Wrist app examples

src: img.photobucket.com


Timex Datalink is flight certified by NASA for space missions and is one of four watches qualified by NASA for space travel. The various Datalink models are used both by cosmonauts and astronauts. For instance during Expedition 1 the crew log for January mentions:

We have been working with the Timex software. Many thanks to the folks who got this up to us. It seems we each have a different version of the datalink watch, and of course, the software is different with each. Yuri and Sergei are able to load up a day's worth of alarms, but Shep has the Datalink 150, and this has a 5 alarm limit. So 2/3 of the crew are now happy. All this is a pretty good argument for training like you are going to fly-we should have caught this one ourselves in our training work on the ground.

In another part of the January log it is mentioned:

Missed a whole comm. pass over White Sands . We need to get the timex watches working so we don't overlook these calls.

while in another segment of the same log:

As 5A is now delayed, we would like to request the "timex" watch software if it is available on the ground-a file that can be uplinked to us. This will help us manage our day as we can load comm. passes into the watches.

and from the February and March crew log of Expedition 1:

We copy the request from Houston on the timex watches. We will keep using the ones we have onboard-there are some workarounds we can apply that will help the limited "alarm" situation. We don't request any more watches be sent up on 5A, but thanks to all the crew equipment folks for asking. As a heads-up to Exp 2, any plans to use the timex download capability should include more laptop IR transmitters. We have 1 onboard, but more will be required if the next crew wants to fully use this capability.

The laptop IR transmitter mentioned in the February and March crew log is the Timex notebook adapter. "Exp 2" refers to Expedition 2, and the log mentions they may need more notebook adapters for the upcoming expedition.

src: feryance.com

Cult and popular culture

Due to its unique features and long tradition of innovation and utility, the Datalink watch line has achieved cult-like status among technically minded people. In addition, many websites are dedicated to the programming and information exchange among its many fans. Yahoo groups also exist for fans and software developers alike, especially for the latest Datalink USB series.

The early Datalink 50/150 models received a tongue in cheek "[dis]honorable" mention in PC World's "25 Worst Tech Products of All Time" list in 2006 and were inducted in "the high tech hall of shame", with the rationale that "It looked like a Casio on steroids" and "To download data to it, you held it in front of your CRT monitor while the monitor displayed a pattern of flashing black-and-white stripes (which, incidentally, also turned you into the Manchurian Candidate)", referring to the earlier, flashing CRT method of data transfer, adding that "Depending on your point of view, it was either seriously cool or deeply disturbing".

Timex Datalink watches are referred to as "classics" and as "worn by astronauts to the moon" in Jeffery Deaver's crime thriller novel The Burning Wire.

They are also featured at the online exhibit of the National Museum of American History.

src: img.photobucket.com


  • Popular Science's Best of What's New Award (1995) (Watch award).
  • Design and Engineering Award from Popular Mechanics (1995) (Watch award).
  • Innovations '97 awards (Awarded to both the Data Link Notebook Adapter and the Timex Data Link 150S watch).
  • Byte Magazine Best of Comdex award.
  • R&D Magazine Top 100 Products.
  • Windows Magazine Outstanding Technology Award.

Timex Beepwear Datalink

The Timex Beepwear Datalink series features wearable pagers, using the Timex datalink platform. These watches also function as electronic organisers. The Beepware series is patented and was the product of a joint Timex-Motorola effort which resulted in a new company called Beepwear Paging Products. The Beepwear marketing motto was: "One beeping great watch". It was the first watch/pager able to receive alphanumeric messages. It operates in the 900 MHz band. Beepware also featured FLEXtime which, if supported by the service provider, could synchronise the time of the watch with that of the network. It could also automatically adjust to the time zone of the wearer.

Cited references

External links

  • Timex official developer website
  • Timex USB tools download
  • Datalink software download from Timex via Internet Archive
  • Pollensoftware Wrist app exchange website
  • Datalink 150 Open Source Development Tools
  • Linux support for the Datalink USB
  • Yahoo Group for Datalink USB users
  • Yahoo Group for Datalink USB developers

Source of article : Wikipedia